A catalog of major events throughout the Existence of Rome!
100% true no fake news
ATTENTION ALL CHADBROLY FANS! Please note everything here was written impartially by historians...
The Roman Republic.
The senate votes 33:3 to condemn the actions of Simple_fred.
Rome! slays dragon
Rome! stuns with lightning fast killing of Mythical Dragon. (Bone Hamlet not impressed)
Bone Village Lodges Complaint
The neighbouring settlement lodges complaint with Rome!
Romans say "Who? Bone Village? What a silly name, we should call it Boneus".
Rome! Reshapes nature to its will!
Rome has transformed the Funky kong memorial desert in its image, creating the Shady sands mine.
The First Wonder of the World built in Rome!
Rome! has built a giant statue honouring their greatest guy Simple_fred.
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Friday the 11th of June
Boneus attempts to sabotage Rome! supply lines
Boneus destroys Vital rescources, Rome! set aside to feed the very needy and very homeless of other civilisations.
Simple_fred becomes Emperor!
Simple_fred has become the first Emperor of Rome! replacing the weak and ineffective senate with the best and brightest Rome has to offer. Constructs cool throne!
Barbarians Eradicated
Simple_fred has completed his punitive campaign against the barbarian scum to the North burning their settlement and killing the Barwomen and Barchildren too!
Rome! redirects river to create fortifcation against Boneus.
With this new natural fortification we can sleep safely knowing we are protected.
Pumpkin Festival
sponsored by and Warwick's Wacky Wares
Sunday the 28th of June
Emperor Dead
Hyperinflation in Rome!
The mismanagment of Rome's! finances by Emperor Alicard has caused a financial crisis.
Rome! has a new citizen!
The self described "Handsome and wealthy cousin of Simple_fred" has made Rome! their home.
Emperor Executed
sponsored by Warwicks Wacky Wares
An ARTISTS! interpretation of events.
Sunday 18th of July
Boneus scared by big Moth
King of Boneus scared by big moth. Others at the scene describe the moth as "big".
New Emperor
After the Chaos brought by the power vacuum, one Warwick took the mantle of Emperor. The divine presence of Simple_fred flows through him!.
A Real Picture
Wednesday the 1st of August
Simple_fred resurrected
Simple_fred has come back to life, unfortunatley he seems to have a snail permanently attached to his brain.
Emperor restores democracy.
Earlier today Emperor Warwick abdicated, restoring democracy to Rome!
Barbarians geting cocky
With the weak and pitiful senate replacing the Empire, the barbarians are getting bolder.
The Fall of Rome!
The Barbarians have succumb to their ultimate nature destroying what they cannot posses... Glory.
In an unprevoked attack Barbarians have sacked Rome! bringing it to its knees.
Monday the 23rd of August
Rome! hits back with 0.0000001% of its power
Rome! hits backs with a small fraction of its power completley leveling barbarian lands eradicating them from history! Summer home quickly erected on the land!
The Rise of Rome!
Like the Phoenix Rome! can never die only be reborn anew.
Monday the 30th of August